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  • 采矿概论(普通高等学校智能采矿工程专业系列教材)(英文版)

  • 所属分类:工业技术>>矿业石油天然气>>矿业工程     作者:编者:郑西贵//杨军伟//胡国忠//岳虎|责编:陈红梅     出版社:中国矿大
  •     This book systematically expounds the mining of coal-based solid deposits,and summarizes the advanced mining tech-nologies, techniques and methods at home and abroad. There are 9 chapters in the book,the main content includes:intro— duction to mining, mining geology and exploration,mining methods,shaft sinking, mine haulage and hoisting ’drillingand blasting, mining machinery, roadway support,mine ventilation and mine safety,green mining etc. This book can be used as a teaching book or reference book for similar majors such as mining engineering majors ingeneral coal co11eges and universities, and it can also be read and referenced by related engineering and technical personnel.
  • 人民幣:RMB 40.00 元     售价:NT$ 160.00
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